I am gonna revise retrosynthesis till 11, then back to chapter 2. and hitting the sack at 12. Allah, please give me strength :) there is time trial tomorrow. and i hope i can do sub 12. because i really want to do sub 12. ITS JUS 6 ROUNDS. please please please!!! jus 6 rounds!!! first 3 rounds at 2 minutes pace and at the 4th and 5th rounds i really hope to stay constant, and give all out for last round. JUS GONNA GIVE ALL OUT!! I WANT TO DO SUB 12!! ITS ALL IN THE MIND!! PLEASE LET ME FOCUS AND CONCENTRATE PLEASE GIVE ME THE STRENGTH. once after training, give me the strength to study CGMP!! ALLAH, I BEG OF YOU!! BISMILLAHIRAHMANIRAHIM. i pray that i would get at least 11'55 and also everybody else to get their pb. i hope tomorrow AOCHEM test wun demotivate me when i am gonna study for exams. i hope i can study cgmp on time!! AMEEN. i am not a coward and i am feeling excited for tomorrow's time trial!! :):) because i believe i can do it. i am not aiming for sub 11, ITS SUB 12!! OH PLEASE.!!! hahahah :) nervous.
Man bets S$100,000 life savings online — and loses. OMGOD, such people still exist despite the unfaithful economic recession last year?
LIKE FREAKING 100 000 BUCKS IS WORTH A WHOLE LIFE OF SAVINGS. AND FOR A FACT HE IS FREAKING UNEMPLOYED!! DOESNT HE HAS BRAINS. initially i did feel " ouch" for him, but now i feel that a 28 year old should have brains and discipline. humans...this guy has the freaking nerve to say he isnt a compulsive gambler?? HAHAHAHAAHHA . that was super hilarious. omgod. i think the world shook of laughter. WELL FOR HELL SAKE, this idoit gave up a full time job to gamble online and yet not a compulsive gambler. HE SERIOUSLY should screw himself up. i think this is GREED. YOU HAVE ALOT, AND YOU DEFINITELY WANT SOMEMORE. and its reported you dint seem so affected. if i were your parents, i would murder you alive. and i think its in the genes because your brother lost 50 000 in casino. why the hell am i worrying for? jus pissed off with this kind of people. if you had given me 100 000, i would probably take 1000 for myself , to buy so many things for me and my loved ones. and the rest of money... no, definitely not going to donate all, i would give the rest to my dad, because i believe he knows how to handle that. stop dreaming nazreen. how about the previous idoit who lost $2.6million I feel the inch when i LOST as small as 10 dollars. these idoitic fools PURPOSELY let their money get swindled by gambling. oh oh oh. Okay there is advance organic chemistry test tomorrow. buena suerte everybody. TIME TRIAL!! PB INSHA ALLAH!!
some people change once they are in a relationship.
for the better, its alright but for the worst? like they got a leash, like they dun have a life like they dun have other friends like they own the world( when they dont) if this are the effects of a relationship then....
this marriage thing is driving me crazy :(
why is my sister so stubborn. i pity my parents for god sake. only god can change her damn freaking mind for that i pray wholeheartedly to allah to stop making things so difficult for my parents.
I dint wake up to eat today :(
having gastric the second time this ramadhan. i need to study CGMP by today i am quite scared astalavista. Insya allah, everything goes as plan for abang's birthday. today is the 15th day of ramadhan. 15 more days for hari raya! and lesser than that for exams :( i think i dun do well in track because either i am cursed or i dun receive blessings from the most important person in my world. :( i come back with such a sucky timing:( no one understands:( everytime i feel happy/sad/excited/lazy/bored/anything, i will buy myself a tub of a good ice cream and indulge myself in it. now i cannot eat ice cream, so i cannot wait for TRAINING, one of the beautiful moments in life<3 A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. :D alright back to book. adios.
The photo is credited to
nazreen, aqilah, fiona (c) its not taken from any web, but our own FYP lab! that rhymes, doesnt it!! they are SOAP BARS!! yes:) they are. we were talking about shah's birthday we thought of giving him the soap of our clique's respective favourite colours. We were thinking which colours we were short of, but realise we had done so many colours:) . We are planning to give him our hardwork.. haha, cool or what. This is what i call LOVE.
don't i feel good?
cant i do this ? is it always me ? is it that even though i have everything i feel like i lost something? is god playing tricks on me? is it when i wanna have fun, i have the whole world crushing down? is it when i laugh, i cry that night? cant i go further? am i stuck in between? cant i be the one? cant i see myself in my dreams? cant i do what i am willing to do? cant i let the river flow? cant i stay? must i let you go? should i even bother? cant anyone answer these questions?
So pretty :) Finally i am kissing good bye to all assignments and reports and projects. I am entering the 3 weeks YOG break. but i guess about 60 to 70% of my time will be spent in woodlands, givaudon. but i am not complaining because i really wanna get a good grade. Wednesday i was quite elated with myself BUT , i wanna do a better timing tomorrow:) i can do it man. No, No!! we can do it:) Tomorrow i have Industrial chemicals and processes Test.I Finally got the hang of managing the questions and i really hope tomorrow's test wun be hard on us:) good luck everybody. MOOD: HAPPY, PURE HAPPINESS. please pray that it lasts:) things i need Watch jeans birthday present for my brother and sister Ramadhan :) PS: JJ ASK ME TO BLOG ABOUT HIM AND I DID IT:) AWWWW :p
why is it that
when i help people regaurding this, its a win. but when its my turn, i am such a big loser.
it feels like i cant stand on my own feet 1 more weeks to puasa
About Me
Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)
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