Sorry guys, i cant give you peeps free donuts anymore. nevertheless , my sister is still working. know what am i thinking? :) i am soooo gonna miss my supervisors and colleagues. and frequent customers. I have loads of fun while working. Closing at 11pm usually extended to 11.30. Daisy and i would continue chatting instead of reporting and cleaning respectively. not aware of the time. we would all laugh together. laugh at weird customers. get angry at annoying customers. curse at eff-ed up customers. these are memories. Thursdays are usually nice. we have trace and transition and forensic practical every other thursdays. and Ultimate from 5-9. Yesterday it was extraordinaryly pleasing. After practical, we had camp at Dr Chia's office for about freaking good 60 minutes because all of us dint know how to calculate the theretical % of oxalate in that freaking crystals. COL MAN! CRIES OUT LOUD. and cunning as a fox Dr chia refuse to give us the answer that explains the a hour wait. HE finally prove himself guilty and he was starving. All of us refuse to leave unless he give the ans. he wanted us to leave it blank. zzzz. He allowed us to come back on friday to hand in that bloody 2 pieces of paper. OH PLEASE. we dun have classes on even weeks of friday. My legs are itchy, i cant wait to run! and prove the world wrong and shut them up today is most probably my last day of work.
About Me
Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)
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