HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIMOTHY TAN, i badly wanted a happening life beside lectures, tutorials. something more than interesting. more mind capturing. but now its all about me and my extremely-happening-exciting-thrilling path i am in. Since there is no more tri( i dunnoe what happened), miyane and i joined ultimate frisbee. and track and field. is that shocking? come on la. dunt be. i was once a member of jurong primaryTNF okay. i was an all rounder at that point of time. i was in indian dance as well!! dunt believe, go check out my footprints at SIR S R nathan's office. Back to the point. Ultimate because we want a real game. Track and field because we wanna improve our goddamned timing for races. TNF trainings are on monday, wednesday and friday. Frisbee , wednesday and thursday. my beautiful life story. OH COME ON! i prioritise my studies first! no matter what! i jus then started my trace and trans revision. its interesting yet difficult. RAN PASSION RUN 15km 1hour 36 minutes. i wanted to make it sub 90 minutes. i failed. if not for yan ren, i think i would have did it more badly. TRAIN NAZREEN!! DUN TRAIN WITHOUT AIM DUN AIM , IF YOU NEVEN TRAIN Monday tnf training, 2.4 time trial 13mins 36 sec. wooohoo!! i miss my past! when i always did 2.4 under 12 minutes. that was once upon a time today IS my babe, tim's 19th birthday!!!! This time it was a different type of surprise. We went to sakura for dinner. But this time evangeline brought the birthday cake in! a total surprise for my buddy!!! WE LOVE YOU TIM! hope you like our gifts and cards! i found where i really belong. love you all people!
About Me
Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)
SP TrackNField
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Nada Taufik
Designed by Nada Taufik @ 2007
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