miss those times. in year 2005, when c girls made bl history by getting into finals. no coach, only luck. but year 06 and 07?? anyway we still had fun during trainings, shared jokes and secrets with coach. in the bigger umbrella, we were suffering to complete the physicals. hahs. we lunched at either BK or KFC nearly after every training. sometimes even pizza-ed or watch movies despite the stinking smell. those times. i miss being part of the lower sec even though upper sec have more privileges. cous in lower sec u dun have to worry about the Os . blah. jus hope to wave "bye bye" to blss with a smile=)) crap. bye
About Me
Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)
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Nada Taufik
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