on wednesday morning i went to NUH since i was the first patient. i was EXTREMLEY cool about the surgery. i switch to the surgery clothes. it was like nothing untill i saw the room so many surgeons but only one bed for me lie on. they then add the anesthatics and made me numb and fall asleep. the next thing i knew was i was feeling giddy and my right cheek was swallon. at about 10 to 11 i was then taken to the day surgery centre,. when i was bleeding profusely. i was like vomiting blood. i couldnt sleep then about 3 i was taken to my bed 19 at ward 41. lols. the nurse then gave me antibotics. the nurse was very pretty lols. she was very fair then the hair very style. i was extremely hungry since i was the only muslim girl in the dorm my hunger had to wait. so i when to 7-11 bought milk to fill up my stomach. my dinner finally arrived after all the others have finish eating. i was glad my sis agree to lend me her phone cous my mum lost of phone. lols. talk to jw. hais i couldnt sleep. the last time i woke up at 3.20 adn i couldnt sleep. i went to the toilet about 5-6 times the whole night. breakfast arrived at 8 plus. followed by lunch at 12 plus. i was discharged at 2 plus. i am on MC for ninedays. i am looking damn ugly with my swollen right cheek=(( but the surgeon said it will decrease. and next thursday i need to take out my stitches. MY RIGHT CHEEK!!=(( NOW I CANT EAT ANYTHING. I CAN EAT NOTHING. i will be returning to sch on wednesday after CNY if possible if nort on friday. i will be missing LOADS of lessons.
About Me
Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)
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