
Saturday, November 11, 2006


wow finally back. today went to sch for the badminton carnival decorations. xiang jun is so lame.
i vian xj and ray were going to jp after the decoration
xj: tml u all must gather at 6.45, i will only need to be there at 7.30
vian:eeee, why?
xj: because i chairman.....
ray:yea cous boys are rulers girls are slaves x2
xj: yah. boys are rulers, girls are pencils.

LOLS. the way he said it was freaking funny.

I am so unlucky. on thursday i went to sch at 10.40. during maths lesson. wc turn around and talk to vian and sinhou. then he laughed. when he turned back
me: wart were u all talk....
mrs ng: arh. that girl that. evertime talk( opening and closing of hands damn funny)

wah damn unlucky. they laugh she nv say anything i haven even finish my question. she ****..
wc laugh at me. wah. everytime i am the victim . . . aiyar one year down one more year. 3E8'06 RAWKKS.! lols. so many jokers, great memories, laughters we shared during the one year journey and much more. i thought i might be happy despite being O students next year. but. . . this is nort the first, nor second. its the third. i am STUBBORN and SELFISH. everyone knows tt. and i also know my limit and my lousy standard. but you are just a piece of shit to me. well. thinking twice its better for u to return. but with tt ****ing attitude? then jus get away. anyway its nort for me to decide.

i cant blog everything out

Nazreen by @ at | 12:40 AM |


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Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)

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