Saturday, September 09, 2006
wow finally back to update. now at lishi's house. jia wei suck bring dunnoe wart movie to watch in the end ended eating all the biscuits but nort knowing the story. this whole week was out of house. holiday=more training and competition. played cheers. parthner vivien low. entered second round and lost to anglican. 18 13. training was fun. but on thursday . . . coach was superduper cute. our past trainings were focused on strokes but on thurs he focused on our movement in the court. he said we were too slow. well the training was fun, exciting and different from everyday but also super tiring. the last drill was standing in a circle. was realli tiring. last round my toes were burning. "set fire" vivian's line. after tt play game. yesterday meet ray to restring his racket. oh so sad the shop close. acc him to wait for the bus. did maths homework, trig. wah. do untill want to cry. but congrates me i did finish=DD tada. jia wei and lishi playing counter strike. PS me. damn sian. i still haven complete my homework. english and physics. can someone save me from the ocean of physics.please.. BYE be happy i blogged.
eur complacent-ness build courage in me.
Nazreen by @ at | 4:42 PM |
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