LOVE YOU GUYS!! i finally went to see doctor, jus because i need MC since i cant work. i hate seeing doctor because i hate medicines!!! i cant even swallow a panadol! waste money! and the medicines will eventually go into the rubbish bin! i am suffering from this really bad headache! i cant even stand for long. i cant figure out how did i manage to attend lessons on monday and tuesday. but i din catch any balls! someone stole my NEW girly shoes. hais i dunnoe why the robber so stupid! steal also steal my havainas slippers la. but must thank him for not stealing them though. maybe he also know i have no fate to wear girly-type of shoes. since the one i bought a few weeks ago torn!
About Me
Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)
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