life is absolutely, acutely, amply, astonishingly, awfully, certainly, considerably, cruel, dearly, decidedly, deeply, eminently, emphatically, exaggeratedly, exceedingly, excessively, extensively, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, highly, incredibly, indispensably, largely, notably, noticeably, particularly, positively, powerfully, pressingly, pretty, prodigiously, profoundly, really, remarkably, substantially, superlatively, surpassingly, surprisingly, terribly, truly, uncommonly, unusually, vastly, wonderfully
BORING!! reach home at 1.53.48s bathed, ate, and slept at 3.01.39s. and i woke up at 09.15.**. this is why, i am now nort able to sleep. but its a good time for me to complete my homework. i have completed my emaths. i was revising my physics(8,9,10) when the computer said"come and play me"=D no choice. tml gort training. as usual. hope bio lesson wun be extended. if it does, its alright anyway. s0 far, out of all the chapters, chapter 8 is the most interesting. about blood and so on.
today during SEL(not only this lesson) yx was damn annoying. but miss tan made him shut his ass=D nice one.
Nazreen by @ at | 11:32 PM |
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