
Saturday, April 22, 2006

 stanley, we love u

its was so shocking.. i thought its was just a back bone pain he as suffering from. i knew he was hospitallised but i thought he would be back home than to school quickly. its yesterday than i found out he was suffering from brain tumor only when mrs wee told the class. ok fine, i couldnt help myself. i cried. i couldnt take it.. than went down to kk hos to pay hima visit with ww xy and jw. he was so weak can, but mrs wee told us tt he looked better than before. than we pasted the cards done by 3e8 on the walls. (picture in mrs wee's blog)

dear stanley,

we miss u. i dun realli know u , cous u are very quiet. but just...dun worry about anything, we are always there for u, we may nort be physically there but mentally we are thinking about u everymoment. during you operation we are standing beside u, supporting u. i am very sure u are going to be alright.. everyones praying for eur health. take care. everyones once to see the cute and smart stanley again. hopefully god answers our prayers..

with love, eur classmate,

Nazreen by @ at | 3:11 PM |


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Nazreen Hasan Singapore polytechnic year 2 ChemicalProcess-Industrialchem 19th on 2nd February. 2 is my number PURPLEREDGREEN:) Proud to be a REDDEVIL, MUFC I AINT YOUR AVERAGE KINDA GIRL. hook it up:)

.:|| new ||:.

let me go periodically so tt i wun miss anything o...

phew! finally


i love tan li shi from blss class 2/7please leave...



failure is the mother of success


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